
Archive for the ‘God’s word’ Category

English: Fish in aquarium.

God was speaking to me about the issue of blood. “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul” Leviticus 17:11. We understand then that the life of something is in the Blood.What is life? What is blood? We can come up with many topical definitions of what they are. Here God is saying that they cannot exist without the other.Wow…powerful,you’ll never think of them the same way again. So if you read earlier I spoke about sacrifice, and spirits. If we put everything we know together so far a picture of the spiritual realm will emerge. God is not bloodthirsty as some would have you think. Mans enemy, has him killing each other to appease the blood thirsty demons. From what we read in the Bible,Spirits were not created to eat or be like us.They want blood, to kill the life in that blood.

Every man they take down especially, if that individual is an unbeliever is one more notch for Satan. Satan is a cruel being, demons and devils have sinned, they are perverted , cursed and disgraced. So to is everyone who does their bidding. Before man messed up in the garden of Eden, there was no blood requirement. Sin necessitates blood, to clean up its evil effect. You see there came a point that God himself had to come and shed his divine blood, because the blood of animals was not enough to destroy the taint of the sins of mankind. Do you know that babies blood and mothers blood, don’t cross in the womb? Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit, but it was divine blood, that flowed in Jesus veins. Now that is another divine mystery, because I just said that demons are spirits and spirits are unlike men. Jesus was a spirit before he entered the womb. We don’t understand the love God has for mankind. If we did we would never behave in the manner we do with each other. Jesus blood trumps every other sacrifice known to man.The people who are not under the blood of Jesus don’t realise the danger they are in. The shedding of blood is a sacrifice. Anyone who sheds blood is cursed. Only one mans blood can deliver you and his name is Jesus Christ.

God is a holy God,he cannot tolerate sin on any level. The enemy is always trying to discredit his creator, he has never stopped speaking lies and he won’t stop now. Mankind is buying into his lies and harming each other. I said before we are family, Gods children.The enemy has come in and messed up what God wanted to do with us. Man doesn’t know who he is. If he did, he would not be trading his power for demon power. The spirit of the Lord then told me that for every killing a demon responsible. You see many people cut down in the prime of their youth, smitten by all kinds of sickness and disease,a demon is responsible. God has timing for everything “The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away” Psalm 90:10. If you did not, get to the Lords timing for you life,you were cut down, don’t matter what people  might say.

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